Developing Teamwork

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£35.00 Per Candidate

Developing Teamwork is all about building stronger relationships within your team by getting to know each other better and creating the foundations for an exceptionally high performing group of people.

This course will start by explaining in detail what team working is and cover some of the basic principles for putting together a group of people who will work well together. It then goes on to cover conflict within teams, explaining some of the reasons conflict occurs and some strategies for managing conflict. It finishes off by exploring some of the different styles of management behaviour and how to develop a resilient team.

Duration: 30 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Developing Teamwork 1 What is Team Working? 70
Developing Teamwork 2 Conflict 70
Developing Teamwork 3 Management Behaviour 70
Developing Teamwork 4 Resilience 70


Recommended System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 7+ Mac OSX (10.6)+
  • Browser: Up to date web browser
  • Video: Up to date video drivers
  • Memory: 1Gb+ RAM
  • Download Speed: Broadband (3Mb+)

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